Mala Alchemy
Find out about Mala Alchemy
How does Mala Alchemy create these meditative talisman?

Each mala is intuitively created with an unique one of a kind design through the power of intent. But what does that mean? How is this done?
Firstly, the malas are created by a modern day yogi who shifts deeply into presence when in creating these malas.
Secondly, the crystals are cleansed, tuned and aligned with the purpose of being transformed in sacred talismans that will assist and support their user.
Thirdly, every mala is meditated on for the whole process of creation and mantra is used to deepen this aspect.
Fourth, numerology and the power of numbers are considered.
And finally deep intuition is tapped to open communion between the artist and the mala that is shifting into being.
When intuition is at play there is always several different ways for creation to take form.
One way, is that the crystals to express their wisdom through directly talking to the alchemist. Clarity comes through about which crystals go together, the pattern to be used in the design and the intention that is to be set for this specific mala. It is not unusual for the crystals to call the alchemist away from the task that is currently happening to engage in a long session of mala design. An absolutely powerful experience.
Another way is through working directly with the power of intent. This is specially true when working with customized designs that have been specifically ordered. The alchemist will meditate directly on the intention and allow this to shape and form how the mala will look and feel.
Some malas drop in through dreams... others are created within the mind's eye whilst engaging in deep communion with nature or people... and some times the malas are so ready to be created it seems like they make them selves, with the beads almost coming together and stringing themselves with little actual thought involvement from the alchemist. The alchemist is just the vessel for this creation to come through.
It is a completely divine process of meditation that infuses the alchemist and the mala with an embodiment of source.
About Vicki Murtagh, the Founder of Mala Alchemy
Vicki Murtagh is a modern day yogi, whose deeply intuitive nature and strong connection to source creates space and clarity for Creation to take shape through the mala creations and the yoga sessions taught.
One of Vicki's driving passions is deep self-exploration, through love and acceptance. Sharing these experiences and techniques with people fills Vicki with intense joy. She knows that this is an incredible blessing to share and shed light on the path of others so they can too find a deep connection to their true Self.
Vick has found that there are two main potent techniques, that lead to self-realization, that she loves to share. It is these two technologies that have transformed her life the most - malas and Kundalini yoga & Meditation.
Crystals starting to talk and work deeply with Vicki when she was only 17. Than in 2004 malas were discovered. Vicki instantly combined malas and crystals together to make these meditation tools for family, friends and herself. Since then the growing of Mala Alchemy has taken organic form due to the requests, insights and suggestions from people within Vicki's life who have tuned into and felt the power of these malas.
Yoga has held Vicki steady and given her ample support since the age of 20. In 2008 Kundalini yoga and meditation was discovered and intuitively Vicki knew that this was the missing piece to her healing and self-discovery. Vicki started teaching the following year. Since then Vicki continues to explore the depths of this technology through her home practice and loves sharing the transformative energies of this yoga.

About Kundalini Yoga & Meditation as taught by
Yogi Bhajan

Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, was bought to the west in the 1960s. Yogi Bhajan saw at that time a need within the Western psychic to be able to tap our potential, quiet the mind and break free from neurosis. Breaking age old traditions and the rules of hierarchy, that is even present with schools of yoga, Yogi Bhajan started to share this technology. He had one aim.... to create teachers not gain students. The thinking behind this was to ensure that these powerful, transforming techniques would become available to the masses.
Vicki was blessed to engage in all her teaching training levels with senior teacher Gurudass. Gurudass discovered Kundalini Yoga in 1969, at Woodstock... yep Woodstock where Yogi Bhajan gave a talk on the main stage during a stage change over. So suppose Kundalini yoga really is the yoga for hippies. Not long afterward this experience Gurudass moved to an ashram in America where Yogi Bhajan was heavily involved. Gurudass dived deep into the life of a house-holder yogi and developed a very strong kinship and connection with Yogi Bhajan which was maintained until Yogi Bhajan passed over in 2004.
It was such an honour to hear the stories that Gurudass shared of the special connection he had with his teacher and the master of Kundalini yoga, Yogi Bhajan.
Akaal ... my two divine teachers.