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Kundalini Alchemy 

Personal Development Sessions

Experience a targeted sessions that enhances your wellness in daily life.

Be supported through
the process of awakening
to your True Self

* Personal Development Yogic Sessions * Numerology Readings *


Individual sessions, that target the needs most potent for bringing balance and awareness into your life.

Harmonizing your life through ... Meeting your needs... In a session created just for you ... Which enhances your wellness

Service Offerings

Personal Development Sessions

These sessions integrate the humanology aspect of Kundalini yoga. 

Humanology is the study of human nature and behaviour. 

A 75 minute sessions incorporates Kundalini yoga kriyas, meditations, visualization, relaxation and breath work, providing practical tools to improve your everyday life. 

Below is a list of all the different kinds of private sessions that are now on offer:

Conscious communication

An old favourite.  Guided by shuniya, the art of deeply listening, space is open for your own personal intuitive guidance to be expressed.  From this a chakra energy reading is provided.  A take home practice is provided to assist with the intention expressed from your soul’s guidance.

Expanding Awareness

For those who love the “kundalini kick" experienced in classes... these sessions are for you.  Dive deep into the ancient kriyas and meditation that expand your consciousness into a state a bliss.

Intuitive Guidance

Will use intuitive abilities to tap into source to provide insights and clarity around an area within your life that needs some direction.  This is not a prediction reading but a self-help tool. Oracles, crystal channeling, shamanic interpretations tools and numerology are just some of the tools that will assist with receiving messages from source.

Harmonious Body Mind balance

Combination of breath work, kriya and meditation targeted on your current level of health aimed at enhancing your wellness through creating balance and supportive relay between the body and mind.

Harnessing the power of mind

Develop a deeper connection to the power of your mind whilst learning ways to harness the incredible potential that occurs when you tame the monkey mind.

Deep Soul connection

Self-acceptance is the key to experience a profound healing relationship with your Self that creates transformative growth.  Learn to awaken to the power of self-love.

Recharging through the art of relaxation

Stress is rampant and leaves toxic debris within our bodies that create an onslaught of dis-ease.  Learning to release the impacts of stress through relaxation techniques, including breath exercise and meditation, is a crucial step in recharging your health and reclaiming your wellness.

Re-birthing to Awaken Potential

Powerful, potent breath exercises with guided visualization will assist a releasing of old thought patterns and conditioning that block you from experiencing your fullness.  Extremely transformation sessions.

* Investment: $95 / session *

* Special offer * 

3 sessions for $250 (Valid for 4 months) 

10 sessions for $750 (Valid for 12 months)

Numerology Readings

Tantric numerology is a process of mapping your life-cycles using the wisdom held in the numbers of your date of birth. 

Priceless knowledge is accessed through gaining insight on how these numbers interplay in your life. 

This creates real-life understanding and application of your potential. 

These in-depth sessions take 2 hours

* Investment: $125.  Special offer: Book two sessions for $200 *


Amy is 35 years old and has been attending Kundalini yoga classes and private sessions since 2016. 

This is what Amy said she has gained from the Private Sessions:

* Holding space for your inner truth to be seen & felt

* Spiritual Guidance

* Decoding behavioural patterns for transformation

* Understanding my patterns

*Nurturing support with cosmic downloads

* Support for transformation

* Acknowledgement of inner power

* Helping pinpoint purpose

* Opening space for my heart to be heard

* Deepening sense of peace & well-being

* Guidance to create a daily practice which supports you through ups and downs of life whilst teaching you how to tap into spirituality.

Private Sessions
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