"Love is Love." It is amazing how two very simple words can bring forth such deep understanding of one of the most misunderstood, overused and falsely interpreted words ... #Love This #blog is a short tale of my personal journey into embrace the totality that is love.

Unlike most stories, this one does not have a defined starting point. So lets use a traditional way to start a story. A phrase which actually has a lot too answer for, in regards to people's strewed and wrap ideas of love. Once upon a time .....
The Goddess and The Demon
Once upon a time, not so long ago, a twenty year old divine #Goddess was lost among the shadows of confusion. An #innerwar battled onward ensuring the numbing out of the #light. The shadow was winning and this Goddess had no understanding of the depth of her #powers.
During the brief moments, when the light shone brighter, a quick retreat always occurred. A retreat back into the comforts of limitations and being small. It seemed that the Goddess was almost siding with the #darkness.
It was during an intense battle, one of partying and disgrace that a knight in shining armor appeared. Hang on that's the story that we are told when young.... the #fairytale of - stay stuffed up until someone rescues you, than all of a sudden everything is rosy with singing birds landing on your shoulders whilst rabbit play at your feet.
There is no #knight in shining armor here, so let's fix that up. In the middle of an intense battle a #demon, who had befriended and found peace within the shadows, saw this Goddess of light and recognized she was trapped. The demon instantly softened within the presence of this Goddess and know from that moment that
"Love just is."
The Goddess felt at ease around the demon.
The Goddess felt empowered to show her light around the demon.
The Goddess felt the demon standing strongly by her side.
The Goddess felt the demon drawing swords with her in a battle to step away from the limitations and the comfort of the darkness into the growth and adventure of living within the light.
The Goddess flourished when in the company of the demon, and
The Goddess become aware and comfortable with the space of expansive #divinity within her.
The funny thing though was that the Goddess was so confused. She thought of love as this notion of when it happens all else falls away and you become lost in a world of fantasy infused adventures and the battles inside just stop.
But the demon did not want the Goddess to let everything fall away. The demon did not want for the Goddess to loss her Self. The demon saw the light this Goddess and encouraged the expansion of this light within every moment they shared.
And so the story of experiencing the true nature of love began.
The Passing of Many Moons
Many moons passed and the Goddess started to become radiant in her light, working with dedication and passion to release the shackles of #limitations, that the shadows had hooked deeply into her. Meanwhile the demon found his incredible #innerstrength and transformed into his true nature of a #spiritual #warrior.
All the time, they still stood side by side, drawing swords backing each other through their inner battles.
Now a great battle was forged during the Goddess time bomb years (for those not familiar with tantric #numerology and lifestyles this starts at 33 years of age and finished during your 36th year). This four year battle was a journey of transforming completely into the strength and light of her fullest #potential that the #Kundalini had awaken.
This journey started with a #Kundaliniyoga level two teacher training module - #Authenticrelationships. The weapon of mass destruction towards the inner doubt that the darkness used so effectively, was three little words:
Sitting in retreat for a week was the initial battle field. Concepts were thrown around moment after moment, day after day, that were like homing missiles attacking any misconceived ideas around love. Hang on let's put it correctly, attacking the misconceived idea that love is limiting your #selfworth to focus on the contentment of another whilst stepping further and further away from the real #identity of who you are.
Some of #YogiaBhajan missiles of exploring light and radiance, where:
Love is an absolute power of self-totality. Love is not what you think love is. Love is a strength. Love is a goodness, like Godliness. There is no limit to it. There is no shortage in it. There is no bargaining in it. Where there is love, there is no question. Where there is a question, there is no love.
Love without #trust does not exist. Love is a strength of trust. Trust is the test of love.
Because we have a feeling of separation, we search for oneness in our #relationships. We want fulfillment. However there is no one who can fulfill the pain of separation of the soul. It is a dharmic practice which continues to fill the emptiness and allows one to serve in a relationship, rather than needing fulfillment from the other person.
Love is a force. Love is a #creativeforce within a human which makes the impossible possible. Infinite as finite.
Than there was this one
Love is Love. That is the best way to say it, I agree but we need to define it. Love is an experience of selflessness within oneself. Love is power, which conquers the fear, fear eats up love.
And that was it. Those simple words "Love is Love." They were integrated into the most simple meditation practice. The meditation is you sit comfortably, with a beautiful hand mudra and recite out loud, "Love is Love" either by yourself or with a recording by Yogi Bhajan

The Final Battle of Awakening into Love
The "Love is Love" meditation was done for 31 minutes each morning for a period of 90 days... sometimes with a recording of Yogi Bhajan's voice ... sometimes just the Goddess' own voice. The other participates of the training felt deep self-nourishment with this #sadhana. But for this Goddess, oh how the battle raged and raged.
Let's set the scene of the final battlefield :
Among this #tranquility sits the Goddess, contorted in tension. Her face shows a thousand #frowns from a life of pretense. #Venom is being spat from her mouth as the truth rolls off the tongue "Love is Love."
On some mornings other villagers are awoken by the Goddess in a state of rage yelling this so called curse at the top of her voice. And other days waves of tears wash through every cell as they pour down the Goddess' face. The purging occurs and the battle is won.
The light surfaces and the Goddess, like a #phoenix, rises from the ashes, Kundalini flowing. The Goddess is ready to walk the path of light, taking baby steps with shaking legs from the #rebirth. This is the #poweroflove.

The wise crone within sits by the fire and smiles all too knowingly as she flashes the memories from many moons ago of the demon's words
"Love just is"

What a blessing to have been adsorbed by the power of love and to feel its totality upon the ocean of life.
On this day that celebrates love, #ValentinesDay, take some time gaze into the remarkable #miracle of this world and realise that all around you the power of love is operating... we just need to open our #hearts too it. And if you are stuck why not try mediating with the #mantra "Love is Love."
Sat Nam Beautiful People
Thank you for reading the #blog. Trusting you found some insightful and useful #wisdom among these words. Would love to hear your views so please #comment And if you feel that others will benefit from this blog please #share.
Keep beaming your beauty
Vicki Murtagh
Founder of Mala Alchemy